
“I am in trouble

Dad, listen to me and try to understand

Can you put aside your preconceptions

Listen and watch my hands, they are trembling

I am struggling for words, I don’t know where to start

Never before did I need help from you this way

Pouring out my heart

Do you know what to say?

Don’t look away, I need your attention now 

If you won’t even listen to me, tell me how we can ever know each other

When I tell you my troubles

How will you be?

Sad or livid?

I’m terrified.”


“Even the stars desert me 

In the fog around my head

Where has my treasure gone

I never realized I was in love with you so madly

I don’t know what else I can do now

The blinds are down

They keep me from staring 

At the peaks you left behind”


“Safe, warm and happy, floating inside you

Wanting for nothing, waiting for the world

Ready for the bright light

Seems like a long night

I cry for you to see me 

And hold my tiny frame

Will you hear my stories of yesterday, tomorrow?

Do I get the chance to take away your sorrow?

There is nothing I want more 

Than to be with you 

Here, tonight”


“I feel a pain behind my eyes

Thinking about our broken ties

I didn’t realise how far I was from you

I hope you never feel as sorry as I do

I hovered high above my world

I didn’t treasure my own girl

I should have been a father

I wasn’t any good to you

I hope you never feel as useless as I do

I extinguish fire with legal grace

At night I pray to save this holy face

I live for liturgy and the motions of the mass

I am sleepwalking to heaven via a first-class funeral”


“She’s leaving town, the south lights are calling

She’ll climb for her crown while my heaven is falling

I’ll stay in the north and I’ll wait till the end of time

She’s leaving our stage, is the dance finally over?

She glides with such grace and I can but watch her

I’ll stay in the wings and I’ll wait till the end of time.”